If you're looking for a fantastic free online diary app for Windows, you should take a look at the MvIiIaX Gym Diary. It's a great looking application that do a lot of things for you, and it's available in two versions. The first version allows you to set your own activities, and you can also customize other aspects of the program. The second version includes a lot of customizable widgets, which is a great way to personalize the Windows desktop. The program supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Although there are other free desktop diary programs on the Internet, I haven't seen one quite like this. The application looks great, and there are some really cool widgets in the program. They make the programs much more useful than your typical free desktop diary application. It even includes a chat feature, which means you'll be able to chat with other users from around the world.
You should definitely check out the MvIiIaX Gym Diary if you have Windows XP. It looks nice, and it's an easy to use desktop application. If you're looking for a desktop application that runs fast, then this one might be just the ticket. It's available at the website below. You can download the free trial version by clicking on the link below the picture.